Monday, April 19, 2010

thinking about selling?

Before you start making repairs, before listing your home or marking dates for an open house, it's smart to prepare a plan Of course, you want the best possible return, but you could make costly error along the way if your enthusiasm for quickly selling causes you to run out and stick a for sale sign in the yard before you're fully prepared to sell. visit for more tips

Monday, April 12, 2010

record in sales for the first quarter

The strong rebound in teh existing house sale market was one of tehinitial signs of recovery " said Toronto Real Estate president Tom Lebour"
The average price for march transactions was $434,969. The average price was $427,948.
for more information please visit , if you planning to buy or sell visit

Friday, April 9, 2010

interest rates for real estate

The Bank of Canada is set to embark on a series of interest rate hikes, starting in June, that will see its benchmark rate climb from its historic low of 0.25% to 3% in little over a year, Bank of Nova Scotia’s chief econWarren Jestin said the move away from short-term “emergency level” rates is necessary due to inflationary pressure that is expected to emerge from stronger-than-expected growth. By the end of next year, the central bank’s target rate should be 50 basis points higher than the comparable rate set by the powerful U.S. Federal Reserve, he said in his latest update to Scotiabank’s economic forecast.Read more:

tes+2011/2782853/story.html#ixzz0keMzJ6Msomist said Friday in his latest outlook.

it's a reality that the rates are comming up, now its the time to buy or sale.